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Caring for Yourself When You Feel Overwhelmed

by Adriel S

We all feel overwhelmed sometimes. Either life or circumstances just get us down and despite everything we know or believe, we just feel like it’s too much. When we are in that place, it is hard to look above the current situation and maintain our perspective. However, it is important to remember that our current circumstance will not last forever; the stress, the anxiety, and the knot in your chest will all eventually pass.

To be frank, if it were not for my faith, I would have a much harder time managing the difficult moments of life. I know that I can place my hope in the Lord and trust that He will fight my battle for me. However, it is not always easy to do this. There are moments where I still feel discouraged, frustrated and simply cry out for justice. Nonetheless, I know that I can pray for peace, strength, and hope and God will provide me with each.

While my first step when faced with circumstances that make me feel overwhelmed is to run to God, there are also a few other steps that I take to help me through the difficult moments and I believe they can help you too.

Change Your Scenery

Changing your scenery can really help you get a new perspective. For me that usually means a day trip to New York City. Even if I just sit at a co-working space in NYC all day, the different sights, sounds, and smells just stir my inspiration, creativity, and energy levels. You will know what that looks like for you, just go find a space or location that you find energizing and fun.

Journal Your Thoughts and Feelings

It’s hard to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed when you are ruminating on your situation or circumstances. One way to reclaim your sense of hope is to acknowledge those thoughts and feelings by writing them down. Once you have written all your thoughts and feelings down, take another sheet of paper and write down all the things that you can be grateful for – no matter how small or insignificant. Next, take the sheet of paper with your thoughts and feelings, fold it up, put it away, and instead begin to ruminate on each of the items on your gratitude list. Each time a feeling of doubt or hopelessness slips into your brain, counter it with one of the items on your gratitude list.

Confide in People Who Build You Up and Don’t Be Afraid to Seek Professional Help

Life should not be lived in isolation. We need community. And, we all need people that we can lean on when circumstances become too much for us to handle in our own strength. Never be afraid to admit you need support. I am always surprised by how many people are willing to help me when I just ask for help. You are loved and valued more than you know by more people than you know. So, when you start to feel overwhelmed, do not keep it all in; instead, seek wise counsel who can guide and encourage you during your time of need. Finally, there is nothing wrong with seeking professional help. A good counselor can truly be life changing.

Try to Get More Exercise and Sleep

Exercise and sleep restore both the body and the mind. Now I am not suggesting that you sign up for a gym membership or start an extensive workout routine, unless of course that is what you want to do. Instead, consider adding a 15 – 20 minute walk in the middle of the day or try a yoga class. Just find a way to get up and get moving.

You also need to ensure you are getting enough sleep. It can be hard to do that when dealing with circumstances that lead you to feel overwhelmed, however, adequate sleep (and a little exercise) can really help you put things in perspective. If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep a natural sleep aid like melatonin might be just what you need (of course consult a doctor first). You also might consider cutting back on television, phone usage, and other screens at least 45 minutes before bed. Making small changes in your bedroom, such as using a sleep mask, humidifier, or ear plugs when you sleep, might also improve your sleep quality.

Be Patient with Yourself

Finally, when you start to feel overwhelmed the best thing you can do for yourself is to show yourself a little mercy. Be patient as you work through your feelings and your circumstances and just take one day at a time. Remember, this too shall pass.

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